
Food Business Licensing Analysis
Data Analytics Intern
Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the licensing status of food businesses across a major city, identifying
unregistered, expired, and pending licenses to assist regulatory bodies in targeted outreach.

Automating Data Analysis Using Streamlit (Web App)
Data Analytics Intern
Developed a Streamlit-based web application integrated with Pandas Profiling to automate data cleaning,
exploratory data analysis, and report generation, streamlining tasks for business stakeholders. Effectively
reduced manual effort by 30% and cut data analysis time by 50%.

Marketing Research, Segmentation, RFM Analysis using Python
Data Scientist
Utilized Python to conduct RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis and segmentation, identifying key
markets to increase product sales and maximize profits. Identified the best city for promoting the business

Sentiment Analysis of an Airline’s Reviews using Python
Data Scientist
Extracted and analyzed reviews to understand the airline’s reputation and inform business decisions.

Analyzing and Visualizing Data and extracting trends and patterns of a Social Media Platform
Data Scientist
Cleaned and preprocessed social media data, then performed trend analysis and visualized patterns to inform
platform performance improvements.

Google Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate Capstone Project
Data Scientist / Analyst
Analyzing and Prediction of Employees satisfaction Levels
Designed a machine learning model to predict employee churn, providing data-driven recommendations for
improving employee retention based on satisfaction analysis.